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How to create a video from images?
Hi Andrew,
I am trying to create a video with your sample code ('example.mp4', dpi=150, fps=25, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'], savefig_kwargs={'pad_inches':0, 'facecolor':'#457E29'})
As you advanced in your comments, I had problems to download ffmpeg (in this case, using brew), so I found this web site to download the static executable:
After that, my code can generate the video with the previous code, but there are too many overlapping between every animation (the image 1 contains the figures of the image 0, the image 2 contains the figures of the image 1, etcetera)
Do you know how to solve that?
Thank you.
I'm not sure how to do it without Anaconda, but there is an alternative for creating gifs:
Thanks Andrew,
When you say "without Anaconda", do you say that you achieved a mp4 representation without overlapping?
Cheers, Paco.