Results 3 issues of ACBIAS fails when compiling kendrite SDK: ===[ 'mklfs' created ]=== ===[ BUILDING MicroPython FIRMWARE ]=== . . -----[ source k210_env ... ]----- -----[ k210_env export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/username/micropython/MAIX/MicroPython_K210_LoBo/k210-freertos/../kendryte-toolchain/bin/ ... ]--- --- =====[...

I git cloned , compiled, reflashed my Sipeed M1w Dock succesfully with this Micropython port. While I appreciate all the nifty options this port brings, I noticed there is no...

For any reason, it seems the udev rule is not working, which is weird because it´s syntactically correct. Whenever I change manually the rights on /dev/hidraw1 I can execute some...