Results 8 comments of ACBIAS

1- Yes, you need a USB-Serial adapter. Because the ESP8285 modules has its own microcode, and the chip´s Rx/Tx lines are hooked to the Sipeed chip, you need to access...

I tried again: git clone -> all fine ./ -> downloads and unpacks your modified version of kendrite toolchain, but when it starts compiling, same pb occurs. I checked...

Here is a copy of my env: [myenv.txt]( Would you post yours from Ubuntu 18.04 ? There might be a clue in it. Otherwise, which version of gcc are you...

- It´s not written on the, but you should connect the Ground of your USB-TTL adapter to the Ground of your board as well. Otherwise you end up with...

Spare also _your_ time and solder proper headers to that board, then use cables that make a **reliable** electrical contact. Believe me, here is no chance you will flash a...

I´m pretty sure you can find a hackerlab around you where you can do that "dirty" job of soldering few pins. The repository for Micropython ESP32 won´t work on the...

I second this. Would be so so ergonomic / useful. Even without custom icon just a short label + tooltip on mouseover would be good enough. Not afraid of editing...

C´mon, we need this. After two years this very basic and quite essential feature is still missing.