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SSH tunnels to remote server.

Results 73 sshtunnel issues
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Hello, Is it possible to setup a tunnel going through several chained bastions? It would be nice to support a list of (ip, port) in ssh_address_or_host


It would be nice if sshtunnel was packaged in a more modern way - inside it's own `sshtunnel` package directory with ``, and the ability to break up the package...

Mypy is presently not happy with sshtunnel, as it is not annotated with python types in it's variables and function signatures. If you try importing sshtunnel in a project, and...

Hello dear I am working on a client-side connection that will open a tunnel on a server with a user that doesn't have permission to run command and the user...


I'm trying to use SSH agent to tunnel to a remote machine, but I want to explicitly ONLY allow key-based authentication (from the client side) based on a key passed...


i try to access my mysql-database using a sshtunnel in python with the following code - ``` import mysql.connector import sshtunnel if __name__ == '__main__': with sshtunnel.SSHTunnelForwarder( ("", 7822), ssh_username="myName",...


Hi Team, A similar issue has been raised previously and has not been addressed for some time. I wanted to check if anyone has experience in resolving this issue. It...

paramiko issue?

I think I have pretty up-to-date versions installed: - paramiko-3.4.0 - sshtunnel-0.4.0 - python 3.9.16: I have tried with both `open_tunnel` and `SSHTunnelForwarder`. If one opens a tunnel and the...
