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SSH tunnels to remote server.

Results 73 sshtunnel issues
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When reading a proxy command from the ssh config, the destination port is evaluated from the ssh config only. With this change the destination port given to sshtunnel is combined...

As of Python 3.4, pathlib is standard and is by now widely used. I'm including a PR to enable this in sshtunnel.


Hi everyone, I have encountered a problem with SSHTunnerlForwarder. In particular, I'm trying to connect to a MySQL database on a EC2 Instance on AWS. I have set the public...

paramiko issue?

```python _LOCK = threading.Lock() def get_connection_id(): global _CONNECTION_COUNTER with _LOCK: uid = _CONNECTION_COUNTER _CONNECTION_COUNTER += 1 return uid def handle(self): uid = get_connection_id() = '#{0}

This will enable the usage of pathlib.Path objects for ssh_pkey for Python 3.4 and above. Resolves #233


Greetings. Thank you very much for sharing this useful module. While testing with "allow_agent=True", I found that `sshtunnel` successfully gets the private keys from the agent, but then logs an...


I've been using SSHTunnel for some time on a project for creating multiple tunnels. Recently, it seems to have stopped working for me, so I've been doing a little investigation....

need more information
paramiko issue?


I'm putting a quick description as it could be a duplicate of #226 or something else. I'm using a setup: ServerA (auth using private key) ServerB (auth using the same...

paramiko issue?