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SSH tunnels to remote server.

Results 73 sshtunnel issues
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it seems that ProxyJump defined in config file is ignored. Would greatly appreciate this feature

The current doc is: ``` set_keepalive (float) – Interval in seconds defining the period in which, if no data was sent over the connection, a ‘keepalive’ packet will be sent...

For my ed25519 I'm getting the error: `Password is required for key /path/to/my/kid` I enter the password using `ssh_private_key_password=myprivatekeypassword` Yet it still complains that it can't find it. Is this...

This PR would greatly speedup bulk transfer: - increase network buffer from 1kb to 16kb - do not hexlify all transferred data in case the TRACE log level is disabled...

Disable Nagle's algorithm on tunnel tcp socket to prevent stalls on chatty protocols (for example keepalive'd http requests). Without this patch (2kb.dat is 2 KBytes of random data): ``` $...

Hello, I'm working to integrate this awesome project into a project of mine, but kept running into an issue when testing connectivity to an SSH proxy server that was unreachable....


I'm trying to port-forward FTP over SSH (not the same as SFTP). This involves port forwarding unpredictable ports. e.g. I forward port 5678 now to download the list of files...

Make local bind IP instead because normally is the behaviour expected: bind a local port to the server

## Issue `PasswordRequiredException` was displaying even if a certificate was correctly loaded and de-encrypted in the SSH Agent, **Scenario:** If you are using an ssh config file to configure hosts...


I have a web app that uses MySQL database to store data, and its running locally (Python, Flask). I now have access to private server and i have SSH access....

✅ fixed!