Claude Pageau
Claude Pageau
Windows, Unix, Raspberry Pi Computer python program to Track Camera X, Y Movements and Convert to Camera Pointing Position. Useful for Stabilization or Robotics Course Correction
Raspberry Pi python PiCamera, OpenCV Face and Motion Tracking using pan/tilt assembly via servo controller or gpiozero pwm
Windows, Unix, Raspberry Pi Motion Tracking Demo. Tracks movement in camera view and returns X, Y Position of Largest Moving Contour in Camera View - See Moved GitHub Project Links
Raspberry Pi whiptail Menu driven Easy Install and Compile of opencv3 python from source files.
Raspberry Pi and Camera Module raspistill Python Motion Capture
Raspberry Pi python motion detection using picamera python module
Raspberry PI-TIMOLO ( PI-TImelapse, MOtion, LOwLight ) uses RPI picamera and OpenCV for Remote Headless Security Monitoring using Motion Tracking, Rclone Auto Sync files with remote storage services....
Raspberry Pi python PiCamera Lightweight Motion Detection. Includes easy curl script install/upgrade, whiptail admin menu system, single file web server and Rclone for uploading to a variety of web st...
rclone4pi - Easy Install of rclone to Raspberry Pi Computer with automated folder sync demo
Uses a raspberry pi camera or web cam and python opencv to track motion in camera view. Sends motion contour data to sonic-pi via osc interface to produce and control notes/sample. Includes ability to...