pi-motion icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pi-motion copied to clipboard

Raspberry Pi and Camera Module raspistill Python Motion Capture


Raspberry Pi Python Motion Detect with Rclone syncing to a Storage Service

For an updated version of this program see my GitHub pi-timolo project at https://github.com/pageauc/pi-timolo


Requires a raspberry pi with a RPI camera module installed and tested running with updated raspbian operating system installed on min 8gb SD card with expanded file system

IMPORTANT: Stretch has long exposure low light camera freezing issue that requires a reboot to gain control of camera back per https://github.com/waveform80/picamera/issues/528 Operation under Jessie works fine. Will issue update when Stretch issue resolved. In the mean time use Jessie if you require very low light operation of pi-timolo.py

Note: If you are using an older raspbian build or previous Picamera python module, and images are black or have problems then update Raspberry PI firmware per apt-get update and upgrade or optional firmware raspi-update command.

Quick Setup

Step 1 Highlight curl command in code box below using mouse left button. Right click mouse in highlighted area and Copy.
Step 2 On RPI putty SSH or terminal session right click, select paste then Enter to download and run script.

curl -L https://raw.github.com/pageauc/pi-motion/master/source/setup.sh | bash

To Update Raspbian

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

To Run


Program Description

This is a python picamara module application for a Raspberry PI with a RPI camera module. It is designed for Motion Detection projects. I use mine for headless security cameras using the makedailymovie.sh to a remote NAS. and also syncing to my google drive using rclone. File names can be by Number Sequence or by Date/Time Naming.
Motion files can be uploaded to your web based google drive using github program called rclone (compiled binary included). NOTE: pimotion uses low light long exposure for night motion and/or time lapse images. The program can detect motion during low light, although the long exposure times can cause blurring of moving objects.

This application uses the picamera python module and requires recent Raspberry PI Raspbian firmware and updates to work properly. Here are some motion and time lapse sample YouTube videos.


If you are looking for a good web based RPI camera interactive interface, I would highly recommend applications mentioned in this forum post https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=780235#p780235 I also use the newer version of pimotion called pi-timolo here https://github.com/pageauc/pi-timolo

Good Luck Claude Pageau