Padre Putativo
Padre Putativo
With this you can use the created conecction into your script... $db === $session->_mongo(); $collection = $db->MyCollection; you can also change the database with _connection but i dont know if...
I want to keep using this class but i dont want open two db sessions (with the password in two different files)... I want to use my own $db conection...
Documentation has been 2 years without updating. Please update this to 1.5.0
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] Using 3D in a...
I'm trying to parse the Godot Docs without much luck... I tried doing some hacks but it seems to made things worse... What can i do? This is the file:...
i mostly live in google plus...
iphone, android and so... also firefox os... It would be great to add that
Since last update in Manjaro its stopped working... I cant solve it using an older version or reinstalling it... I think it must be some corrupted configuration or something like...
Only a detail where i got stuck
There was a little mistake