For instructions on scraping comments I changed 'page' to 'post', which actually works at the moment. I know that 'page' should work. I will add another pr if I can...
Would it be possible to add a shortcode option to not display a record if a specific DC field isn't present? For example we're listing all DC contributors to items...
I transferred a large graphic novel to Beru. It has 580 different jpegs and clocks in at 200MB. On desktop readers it displays in sequence but in Beru they appear...
When logged in I often cannot view comments on items I submit. There isn't an error message rather the 'No comments' notification appears. Logging out and back in again fixes...
#19 Add configuration details for the Stanford NLP Service URL
On this Windows pc (behind a corporate network) the value entered for the NLP Service URL has to be http://localhost:9000/ Leaving the 'http://' out or going with or 127.0....
For those of us using Flock it wouldbe great to be able to set it as the place merged contacts are stored - rather than as a google contact.