Thomas Pachoud
Thomas Pachoud
I was more thinking about a toggle button, by default on false, which would allow to display labels for some of the timenode.
A display toggle button is not much more complex to implement than hiding the default name. And yes, it can be usefull to be able to display or not nodes...
Mais c'est pas deja le cas?
Hum... Qu'est ce que tu appelles le header de la constraint principale? ----- ----- ----- Thomas Pachoud ----- ----- ----- la campagne pour le FabLAboriGène de l’Amer est...
Bah il est pas toujours visible quand on scrolle? ----- ----- ----- Thomas Pachoud ----- ----- ----- la campagne pour le FabLAboriGène de l’Amer est engagée! ----- On...
You'll be hearing me going threw the roof! ;) ----- ----- ----- Thomas Pachoud > Le 10 oct. 2017 à 19:04, Pascal Baltazar a écrit : > >...
In you main loop, you should call to this function on each loop. ``` if (etherdream.checkConnection()){ ildaFrame.update(); etherdream.setPoints(ildaFrame); } ``` To avoid unconnection you can try different thing : -...
Got exactly the same issue on my MBP which is running 10.8 and a GT330M. I'm quite sure it was working on the same MBP under 10.7 and the old...