Pablo Castillo
Pablo Castillo
Hi! I did some changes to the ios version of the library to add this feature (audio streaming) and have a working version on my app. (Migrated from AVAudioPlayer to...
I had this problem, solved it adding an attribute to the `````` tag in AndroidManifest.xml android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" And i have audio streaming on again. Hope this helps.
When i disable the WP-API v2 the forms work again, this is the error i get from the Chrome Console: ` Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'raw' of undefined source:http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/wp-admin/post.php?post=3633&action=edit...
Ok, after more testing i found that the form is trying to do fetch two urls: a) Fetch the forms from: http://xxxxxxxxx/wp-json/ccf/v1/forms/?pages=1 b) Try to fetch the form from: http://xxxxxxxxx/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/3634...
To force things, i changed the post type of _3364_ from **ccf_form** to **post**. The http://xxxxxxxxx/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/3634 stops failing and now the chrome console replies with: ` Uncaught TypeError: is...
Ok, i did a rollback from **WP REST API v2.0-beta13.1** to **WP REST API v2.0-beta10** and everything works again. _WP Rollback_ is a great tool :)
Check #274 It may help :)
Had the same problem, try this: 1 - Open your `config.xml` 2 - Add this line: `` 3 - Save the file and build it again.