Özgür Akkurt

Results 32 comments of Özgür Akkurt

That is very nice. I would say rustls still might be better than using openssl. What would be the pros and cons of openssl vs rustls in the context of...

+1, this is also needed for me to depend on arrow2 and datafusion simultaneously since they both use zstd-sys but they use different versions so it creates a conflict

So I looked into the code and it seems like It would be easy to convert the api to `Result` where the number indicates how many properties were changed. I...

Working on doing this. I couldn't make much progress because of work but I should have a PR soon.

Hello @lnmg, the `missing input for some native asset` error happens if there are no inputs or no outputs for an asset. and if I run a very similar code...

@lnmg can you try without the minting inputs part and also try to reproduce this with a minimal example and send that one. Meanwhile I am trying to debug this

do you mean how to use it from javascript? if yes, here is an [example](https://github.com/Emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib/blob/master/doc/getting-started/generating-transactions.md)

Hello, you only need `@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-browser` this is about how you would use it: ```js const cardanoWasm = null; export const loadCardanoWasm = async () => { if (cardanoWasm) { return...