
Results 201 comments of Anuj

@ctrlplusb What solution would you recommend here? Also, FWIW, `babel-minify` README says the that we could use it for older browsers as well if we transpile down first: > Babel...

@codepunkt Just pinging to check if you could share your `babel-minify` setup (or even PR it)? I'd super appreciate that since I keep running into issues with various different packages...

An update: So, it turns out that Webpack v3 so far uses the 0.4.6 of the [UglifyJS plugin]( and with v4, they will start using 1.x of the UglifyJS plugin...

@unleashit Thanks for sharing that. I am curious what your setup looks wrt the nesting. I ask since my observation is that only if children are available in the initial...

@unleashit Thanks for sharing that! So it seems like what was really causing the issue was having nested react-jobs on components that are dynamically imported (which don't seem to resolve...

@Ancinek What solution did you end up with on this one?

@ctrlplusb What would the second item entail? > Rework the project structure/configuration to allow for more advanced use cases, such as having lots of micro service projects (I am doing...

Also, maybe adding Glimpse ( to the dev experience?

1. Supporting React 16, Node 8 and Babel 7. 2. #322 3. Upgrading `helmet` to use its [newer simplified API]( 4. [Webpack-Dashboard]( as it provides a better output screen than...

> It has fallen out of maintenance recently.. @ctrlplusb Maybe we all can help here? If we can merge the pending PRs and figure out a next set of changes...