
Results 201 comments of Anuj

@brendon Back again on this issue as I've hit an issue with a use-case similar to the original ask by @cibernox. Here is a simplified version of the use-case. Say,...

@brendon thanks for that quick response! unfortunately, my ruby skills aren't good enough to feel confident on taking on a refactor. thanks for sharing that gist though, I'll look more...

I'd also recommend using something like [`js-worker-search`]( - something I've used for similar cases that works efficiently.

@chrisradek thank you for responding! My usecase was looking to upload a file from the client, without sending it through server-side (Ruby). I was using it in the context of...

@nicks I'm a fan of both your editor on Medium and this library. And now that we have you here, a question which I have been wanting to ask for...

@ljharb Just curious about your thoughts or plans on this request?

@mateioprea Good job on making it feel part of the plugin, I'd love for this to be an option. One thing you might be missing is an AM/PM meridiem toggle?...

@mateioprea nice, hopefully it will end up in a PR soon 😄

@MrSaints I notice that you have 'React port' as one of the goals. Is a React library still your plan? And would it be without JQuery? Thank you for sharing...