
Results 201 comments of Anuj

@jstejada As you consider `restart` option - please consider usecases for looping through phrases. Essentially, the library should allow for re-rendering the typist effect if the children change.

To clarify, it would entail adding `srcset` and `sizes` attribute to the `img` tag so that appropriate images are loaded on mobile vs web.

@brycedorn On a little further investigation with the goal of a PR, I had two questions - 1. The thumbnail image is set as a background on the `` tag...

@brycedorn Just checking in if you had any thoughts on the above? Thank you!

@brycedorn Just curious if you see this on your radar anytime soon?

@davidchin Good question, theoretically you can but with two drawbacks. 1. Its harder if you want more fine-grained programmatic control based on certain conditions. CSS mostly allows for a blanket...

@davidchin Thanks for the reply. So would you accept a PR that makes the following change? > One thing I haven't done is that if formatLabel returns undefined or a...

@davidchin To clarify, you have labels that show the progress, etc. I'm curious if it can be configured to show only on hover (min, max and hover). Also, updated the...

@davidchin Any thoughts on this one?

@hughlomas Thanks for the tip! Does this make sense as a PR to the existing CSS?