use 16397, not work~
使用limited login接口之后,报错190,Bad signature。 从facebook拿到AuthenticationToken,然后调用Firebase.Auth.FacebookAuthProvider.GetCredential(AuthenticationToken),再调用firebase的SignInWithCredentialAsync来登录,就会报错。 请问使用limited login后,该如何正确处理SignInWithCredentialAsync调用呢?
I manually wrapped the Request interface, converting it directly from Lua to the protobuf binary format. Some modifications were also made to the underlying pitaya library to adapt to this....
关闭Enter Play Mode就好了,看起来是不兼容Enter Play Mode。
@felipejfc @leohahn Please help to see how to solve this problem.
iOS Nonce登陆一次就失效了,需要再次拉起登陆来signin link一次,signin一次。拉起两次
string nonce = FaceBookManager.GetRawNonce(); credential = Firebase.Auth.OAuthProvider.GetCredential("facebook.com", accessToken, nonce, null); m_Auth.CurrentUser.LinkWithCredentialAsync(credential)
same issue in my unity game. Unity: 2021.3.37f1 Firebase SDK: 10.2.0 Facebook SDK: 17.0.0 Error Message: SignInWithCredentialAsync encountered an error: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors...
> @owllyi Have you find any solution? #if UNITY_ANDROID credential = Firebase.Auth.FacebookAuthProvider.GetCredential(accessToken); #elif UNITY_IOS var authToken = FaceBookManager.Instance.GetToken(); var nonce = FaceBookManager.Instance.GetNonce(); credential = Firebase.Auth.OAuthProvider.GetCredential("facebook.com", authToken, nonce, null); #endif