Nick Owens
Nick Owens
Having just come across this change in v1.25, and giving my opinion as a frequent plots user who likes to build complex multipanel figures in plots. I agree with @mcabbott....
Changing the fontsize is not really a solution as the legend box and line/box now scales to the entire figure size. Taking the advanced layout example and increasing the figure...
I agree that we should come up with a better solution. My question: was the previous basic plotting bad enough and the improvement good enough to warrant a change that...
I'd prefer it if you didn't characterise my opinion as "functionality over looks" and setting it up as a false dichotomy is not especially helpful. Looks are subjective, I'd argue...
Hi all. Thanks for your efforts with Turing - really enjoying using it. The model is mine, just to be clear, in the full model `config` is not fixed and...
@yebai that makes sense - thanks a lot.