Yufan You

Results 68 issues of Yufan You

- Focus on the blame view instead of the file content when it is opened and after going to the previous commit. (might be configurable) - Go to the correct...


Now it tries the parent commit when the previous blame is not available and relies on the error to detect the initial commit. https://github.com/FabijanZulj/blame.nvim/blob/314398fec334848d431cc7c87f65baf7e72aa1d1/lua/blame/blame_stack.lua#L292-L294 I'm not sure how this is...

Now it may throw an error when the original file window has been closed: `blame.nvim/lua/blame/views/window_view.lua:309: Invalid window id`

This fixes cpeditor/cpeditor#774.

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** QCodeEditor has many problems, see the [issues](https://github.com/Megaxela/QCodeEditor/issues). **Describe the solution you'd like** Use QScintilla as the editor. **Describe alternatives you've...


最近可能是因为 b 站在做什么 API 更改或其它原因,部分 API 请求经常失败,希望能统计每种 API 的成功率,在某种 API 成功率很低时减少相应的任务量。 其实我并不知道实现难度如何..不行的话可以临时先人工调整(


Documentation comments are not suitable for a comment-toggling plugin, as explained in https://github.com/folke/ts-comments.nvim/pull/12#discussion_r1613561546