Yufan You

Results 68 issues of Yufan You

README里貌似提到了这个bug(或者说feature)已经fix了,然而今天又挂了... ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/tourist-Unrated%20%20-black.svg?longCache=true&style=for-the-badge)

1. 应当 link 到 RMQ 专题。 2. 不应当先转成 ±1RMQ 再转回 LCA 再转成 ±1RMQ.... (终于开始了开 issue 不开 pr 的鸽子生活 🕊 )

Discussion / 需要讨论
RFC / 提案

我确信我没说过 [这句话](https://github.com/iotang/oiQuotations/blob/f7b48f9191f2edbf58dc755f9750ab82e81efdc5/ouuan/ouuan_%E7%9C%8B%E6%A0%B7%E5%AD%90ouuan%E5%B7%B2%E7%BB%8FAK%E4%BA%86.png)。我印象中这句话好像是我说过的一句话的子序列,然后被人 p 成这样了。 平时别人发一下我也不太会计较,但是我比较想知道这个项目是否接受 p 图,是要尽量保证真实性还是好玩就行。

感觉两个中国人用英文好奇怪 T_T 1. 使用单独的配置文件(`config.yml`/`config.json`),让用户不需要修改源码。 2. 可以自定义读入方式。比如自定义如何读入一个数,如何读入一个数组,如何读入一个字符串,如何读入一棵树,如何读入一张图(以及读入前如何声明变量)。这样各种码风的选手都能比较舒服。 3. 把 round ID 放到命令行参数,或者是如果不填命令行参数就提示输入。~~还可以在参数里加上输出文件夹,这样就可以一份源码不用到处复制了。~~

[troubleshooting section]: https://iles-docs.netlify.app/faqs/troubleshooting - [x] I have read the __[troubleshooting section]__ before opening an issue. - [x] I have tried upgrading `iles` and `vite`. ### Description 📖 After bumping the...

[troubleshooting section]: https://iles-docs.netlify.app/faqs/troubleshooting - [x] I have read the __[troubleshooting section]__ before opening an issue. - [x] I have tried upgrading `iles` and `vite`. ### Description 📖 When the Markdown...

## Motivation I want to disable Copilot for my university assignments to avoid the risk of cheating. So I want to disable Copilot for all files in a particular directory....

The words "Owner", "Member", "Contributor", etc. (and their translations into other languages) are suitable in the context of a code repository, but may sound weird in a comment system. It...

Reproduction repo: https://github.com/ouuan/giscus-colon-bug-reproduction The term is `FOO: bar 🤔`. It sometimes sends two discussion queries with different terms: ``` https://giscus.app/api/discussions?repo=ouuan%2Fgiscus-colon-bug-reproduction&term=foo%3A+bar+%25F0%259F%25A4%2594&category=giscus&number=0&strict=false&first=15 https://giscus.app/api/discussions?repo=ouuan%2Fgiscus-colon-bug-reproduction&term=FOO%3A+bar+%F0%9F%A4%94&category=giscus&number=0&strict=false&first=15 ``` The first request changes letters before the colon...

The PDF downloaded from https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/book-electronic.html has several incorrect TOC hyperlinks or structures: 1. The sections in the preface (from "To Everyone" to "References") are all listed in the TOC, but...