Yufan You

Results 68 issues of Yufan You

This is requested by [AppImageHub](https://appimage.github.io/CP_Editor/): > Please consider to add update information to the CP_Editor AppImage and ship a .zsync file so that it can be updated using AppImageUpdate. Tools...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Some people maybe don't like the resize animation of the test cases, it should be able to disable. **Describe the...

help wanted
good first issue

#1800 遗留问题,现在的实现方式对预览/镜像站很不友好。

help wanted / 需要帮助
Other Bug / 内容无关的 Bug

## 问题 在现在的内容下,很多页面的 [hover-preview](https://github.com/OI-wiki/gatsby-oi-wiki/issues/203) 展现的信息是无用的。 ## 期望的解决方法 在页面开头第一段写上有简短、有信息量的简介。

Content Request / 内容请求
help wanted / 需要帮助

1. Create a test file with this content: ``` Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim...

现在 bilili 会清空终端的屏幕,我希望能有一个不清屏的选项。

version: 2.x

**Describe the bug** Failed to build. **How To Reproduce** 1. Clone this repo. 2. `npm i` 3. `npm run build:page` 4. Get this error message: `vscode-rainbow-fart/node_modules/@qiqi1996/qi-design-vue/library.js:1:209: Cannot resolve dependency 'Vue'`....


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Now the bot commits and pushes one by one, and this causes many CI runs (especially when you have multiple...


When entering a contest after the countdown, the problem number will be 0 instead of A-Z. And there are rare cases that the problem 0 is not problem A, like...