Jeremiah Cox
Jeremiah Cox
Placeholder, more details to follow...
Many of the CI DSC's lack ARM and AARCH64 in their SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES. Lets add these architectures where possible to get build and host unit test coverage. Examples: ``` FmpDevicePkg\Test\FmpDeviceHostPkgTest.dsc:15: SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES...
The CI DSC lacks ARM and AARCH64 in SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES. Lets add these architectures where possible to get build and host unit test coverage. Example: `OemPkg\OemPkg.dsc:15: SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES = IA32|X64`
Many of the CI DSC's lack ARM and AARCH64 in their SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES. Lets add these architectures where possible to get build and host unit test coverage. Examples: AdvLoggerPkg\AdvLoggerPkg.dsc:14: SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES =...
After addition of VersionInfo feature to HelloWorld, I would expect Windows Explorer > Properties > Details tab to show version information (note, you must rename HelloWorld.efi to HelloWorld_.EXE_ for this...
There are 2 copies of in MU_PLUS. 1. [UefiTestingPkg copy]( 2. [DfciPkg copy]( Consider consolidation _**or**_ move to a PyTools Library?
In most of the Mu repos, the pip-requirements is pinning edk2 py extentions to version 12... `edk2-pytool-extensions==0.12.*` This should probably move forward
Please remove documentation that incorrectly states that Microsoft Surface does not support UEFI Secure Boot customization. That was true for Surface RT & RT 2, but none of the modern...