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LTR_retriever is a highly accurate and sensitive program for identification of LTR retrotransposons; The LTR Assembly Index (LAI) is also included in this package.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Quick installation using conda
- Step by step using conda
- Standard installation
- Inputs
- Outputs
- Usage
- Citations
LTR_retriever is a command line program (in Perl) for accurate identification of LTR retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) from outputs of LTRharvest, LTR_FINDER, MGEScan 3.0.0, LTR_STRUC, and LtrDetector, and generates non-redundant LTR-RT library for genome annotations.
By default, the program will generate whole-genome LTR-RT annotation and the LTR Assembly Index (LAI) for evaluations of the assembly continuity of the input genome. Users can also run LAI separately (see Usage
LTR_retriever is installation-free but requires dependencies: TRF, BLAST+, BLAST or CD-HIT, HMMER, and RepeatMasker. You may specify the path to these programs in the command line (run LTR_retriever -h
for details) or install them in the following ways:
Quick installation using conda
conda install -c bioconda ltr_retriever
Step by step using conda
You may use conda to quickly install all dependencies and LTR_retriever is then good to go:
conda create -n LTR_retriever
conda activate LTR_retriever
conda install -y -c conda-forge perl perl-text-soundex
conda install -y -c bioconda cd-hit repeatmasker
git clone
./LTR_retriever/LTR_retriever -h
Standard installation
You can also provide the fixed paths to the following dependent programs.
- makeblastdb, blastn, and blastx in the BLAST+ package,
- cd-hit-est in the CDHIT package OR blastclust in the BLAST package,
- hmmsearch in the HMMER package (v3.1b2 or higher), and
- RepeatMasker.
Simply modify the 'paths' file in the LTR_retriever directory
vi /your_path_to/LTR_retriever/paths
Two types of inputs are required for LTR_retriever
- Genomic sequence
- LTR-RT candidates
LTR_retriever takes multiple LTR-RT candidate inputs including the screen output of LTRharvest and the screen output of LTR_FINDER. For outputs of other LTR identification programs, you may convert them to LTRharvest-like format and feed them to LTR_retriever (with -inharvest
). Users need to obtain the input file(s) from the aforementioned programs before running LTR_retriever. Either a single input source or a combination of multiple inputs are acceptable. For more details and examples please see the manual.
It's sufficient and recommended to use LTRharvest and LTR_FINDER results for LTR_retriever. However, if you want to analyze results from LTR_STRUC, MGEScan 3.0.0, and LtrDetector, you can use the following scripts to convert their outputs to the LTRharvest format, then feed LTR_retriever with -inharvest
. You may concatenate multiple LTRharvest format inputs into one file. For instructions, run:
perl /your_path_to/LTR_retriever/bin/
perl /your_path_to/LTR_retriever/bin/
perl /your_path_to/LTR_retriever/bin/
Click to download executables for LTR_FINDER_parallel and LTRharvest.
The output of LTR_retriever includes:
- Intact LTR-RTs with coordinate and structural information
- Summary tables (.pass.list)
- GFF3 format output (.pass.list.gff3)
- LTR-RT library
- All non-redundant LTR-RTs (.LTRlib.fa)
- All non-TGCA LTR-RTs (.nmtf.LTRlib.fa)
- All LTR-RTs with redundancy (.LTRlib.redundant.fa)
- Whole-genome LTR-RT annotation by the non-redundant library
- GFF format output (.out.gff)
- LTR family summary (.out.fam.size.list)
- LTR superfamily summary (.out.superfam.size.list)
- LTR distribution on each chromosome (.out.LTR.distribution.txt)
- LTR Assembly Index (.out.LAI)
Best practice: It's highly recommended to use short and simple sequence names. For example, use letters, numbers, and _ to generate unique names shorter than 15 bits. If there are long sequence names, LTR_retriever will try to convert it for you, but not always successful.
To obtain raw input files with LTRharvest and LTR_FINDER_parallel:
/your_path_to/gt suffixerator -db genome.fa -indexname genome.fa -tis -suf -lcp -des -ssp -sds -dna
/your_path_to/gt ltrharvest -index genome.fa -minlenltr 100 -maxlenltr 7000 -mintsd 4 -maxtsd 6 -motif TGCA -motifmis 1 -similar 85 -vic 10 -seed 20 -seqids yes > genome.fa.harvest.scn
/your_path_to/LTR_FINDER_parallel -seq genome.fa -threads 10 -harvest_out -size 1000000 -time 300
cat genome.fa.harvest.scn genome.fa.finder.combine.scn > genome.fa.rawLTR.scn
To run LTR_retriever:
/your_path_to/LTR_retriever -genome genome.fa -inharvest genome.fa.rawLTR.scn -threads 10 [options]
To run LAI:
/your_path_to/LAI -genome genome.fa -intact genome.fa.pass.list -all genome.fa.out [options]
For more details about the usage and parameter settings, please see the help pages by running:
/your_path_to/LTR_retriever -h
/your_path_to/LAI -h
Or refer to the manual document.
For questions and Issues please see:
If you find LTR_retriever useful, please cite:
Ou S. and Jiang N. (2018). LTR_retriever: A Highly Accurate and Sensitive Program for Identification of Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposons. Plant Physiol. 176(2): 1410-1422.
open access
If you find LAI useful, please cite:
Ou S., Chen J. and Jiang N. (2018). Assessing genome assembly quality using the LTR Assembly Index (LAI). Nucleic Acids Res. gky730.
open access