Results 18 issues of Olivier TERRIER

In a sequence labelling scenario, the internal tag can be present in the output of the Tagger.tag() method. As they are internal they should probably been filtered out I would...

Hello I'm trying to train a TPipeline initialized with a training_config with training_config['gpu'] set to False on a cpu machine (no NVIDIA driver) But the call to the train method...

... based on [UD Arabic NYUAD]( which has a commercial friendly license CC BY-SA 4.0 compared to the [Arabic-PADT UD]( which is under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 NYUAD is also much...

I find it counter intuitive to set the valueName of statement properties to the title of the wikipedia page for KB concepts Let's take some examples With "human brain" (Q492038)...


Having most of lmdb pages loaded in memory speed up a lot the processing even though it requires a lot of RAM. Maybe we could add an option (in the...

When you call the /service/kb/concept/ endpoint with a valid QID, sometimes the rawName and/or PreferredForm in the response is "Invalid id or excluded via caching" Like for example: ``` {...

Building such an index for all the statements is not manageable due to the explosion of the wikidata recently (more than 90M items) but it could be interesting to restrict...

Hi, today the maximum length of ngrams used to recognize mentions is hard coded to 6 This is generally sufficient but sometimes we would like to go a little bit...


Hi Patrice, Facebook recently released BLINK This is a novel approach for entity linking based on BERT transformers that apparently outperform even the already impressive DeepType (Raiman &...


Hi Thx for this great package It looks like there is an error when you use OneVsRestClassifier with SVCClassifier I have this error ``` File "/home/olivier/.pyenv/versions/suggest/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eli5/sklearn/", line 228, in test_explain_prediction_libsvm_linear...