Results 8 comments of Olivier TERRIER

Hi If you change SVC by LinearSVC in the previous code snippet, it works ... Any reason SVC is not supported the same way? Best regards Olivier

Hi all, An easy workaround would be to disable multiprocessing when running on Windows To do that you need to pass multiprocessing=False each time a new Sequence object in created...

Hi I'm pretty sure we have seen it in our output (I had to patch my client code to take it into account) but I don't find a way to...

@lfoppiano Unfortunately I don't have and easy scenario to replicate the issue but I'm pretty sure that it was not with a grobid model Best Olivier

May we should have ``` batch_piece_idxs = torch.LongTensor(batch_piece_idxs).to(self.config.device) batch_attention_masks = torch.FloatTensor(batch_attention_masks).to(self.config.device) batch_entity_label_idxs = torch.LongTensor(batch_entity_label_idxs).to(self.config.device) batch_word_num = torch.LongTensor(batch_word_num).to(self.config.device) batch_word_mask = torch.LongTensor(batch_word_mask).eq(0).to(self.config.device) ``` instead ?

Hi Patrice According to, one of the main reason of the explosion of the statement db is that recently most of the published scientific articles have now an entry...

Correct me if I'm wrong but to implement this we have to modify the grisp project part ?

Hi Patrice, Not sure if we should preload the whole dbs (too much memory involved) or just a subset like the N most frequently used entries ? Looking at the...