> Hi @oswinbk, it depends on the Electron app. Somehow you need to configure the app to use your proxy settings and trust your CA certificate. For some apps, you...
Thank you for the answer!
Hi, I wanted to get some clarification on how https://github.com/httptoolkit/httptoolkit-server/blob/main/src/interceptors/terminal/fresh-terminal-interceptor.ts works. Does it just spawn a child process with its own environment, where the CA it uses is generated from...
[Follow this](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7225900/how-can-i-install-packages-using-pip-according-to-the-requirements-txt-file-from/15593865#15593865) Or just Google how to install requirements.txt
[Help](https://www.pythonclear.com/errors/python-cant-find-__main__-module/#:~:text=There%20are%20two%20main%20reasons,directory%20as%20your%20Python%20script.) follow this to answer your question
> @monermanSOL is this maybe also related to #2 ? Do you have the redirect target also in the body? I don't think it's related to that question since I...