@jmwang0117 ply files cannot be read directly, they must be converted to x y z r g b format.
@madinwei point cloud must first be in x y z r g b format. You can convert it with the following code. ``` import sys import open3d as o3d import...
@mostafa501 Hello mostafa501. In the original code, the directory name is a class, so change the code to ignore this. You have to change two pieces of code. data_utils/indoor3d_util.py and...
@mostafa501 The original code is for testing with stanford data. I modified it to force it to do semantic segmentation on own data. Therefore, the current evaluation is bullshit and...
@mostafa501 There is a file named 〇〇_pred.obj in the file created under log/sem_seg/pointnet2_sem_seg/visual. This is the result of semantic segmentation. We will process this file so that it can be...