Zhihao Cui
Zhihao Cui
Converted to draft with Luke OOO.
> This could be follow up work, this is more just to catch up the examples to the patterns page. OK, created #3344
I believe multiple selection is not the intention here? Maybe just add a check of existence before `addLongPressGestureRecognizerForReorderingToView`
Quick note, I only find out `input type="number"`'s role is `spinbutton`
Some feedback after using the date picker in storybook 1. when typing a valid date in input, should calendar be moved to that month? 1. when using mouse to open...
- [Single select] Default closed state, tab to calendar icon, enter, focus move back to input (not to calendar?) - With above, tab x2, focus first land in day (no...
Any QA stories needed?
Moving sprint due to OOO
Push a few sprints, awaiting stakeholder priority