
Results 57 comments of OpenSpeedTest™

```` import asyncio import io import os import aiohttp from tqdm.asyncio import tqdm URL = 'http://your-ip:3000/upload' async def chunks(data, chunk_size): with tqdm.wrapattr(io.BytesIO(data), 'read', total=len(data)) as f: chunk = while...

Look at browser console for errors. You might want to enable post to Static file. It's http 1.1 right. Look the Nginx configuration posted on my GitHub profile.

I tested your configuration, It shows invalid for me. ``` server { listen 80; location / { client_max_body_size 10000M; proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/; } } ``` I proxy pass with this bock...

you can edit and use bind mount or create your own docker image

Invalid pdf

Tested this on my mac, I created a folder 'docker' on my desktop Inside 'docker' folder on the desktop nginx.crt and nginx.key (It is a self signed certificate) you can...

Zero Jitter = Very good connection. If you get ping 7ms two times, that means 7-7=0 ms jitter Jitter shows the stability of your connection, if you get 7 and...

Increased sample is not a problem, i think it's always comparing the difference between the last ping value, so if you got 20ms ping two times in a test, 20-20...

Yes, we need to find a better way to report jitter. As you can see from the video when we send 100 pings, the high jitter is over 2400ms,...

I never used caddy. check ``` { reverse_proxy http://localhost:8086 { buffer_requests max_buffer_size 50MiB } } ```