Onfido Website Team
Onfido Website Team
Hi @pedrotorchio I recommend you to use the most updated documentation about Document Screen. https://github.com/onfido/onfido-sdk-ui#document 1) If had "driving_licence" and "national_identity_card" on your code, so Issuing Country Selection will be...
Hi [pedrotorchio](https://github.com/pedrotorchio) For the latest release, that is the designed behaviour. The issuing_country screen will be shown first, regardless you have specified the country (Australia). The dropdown selection button will...
Hi [finppp](https://github.com/finppp) For the latest release, this is designed behaviour. As I wrote to Pedro above. I understood your user case, and I’m passing it to our Product Manager and...
Hi @IliasDewachter I hope you are well. My name is Thiago, I'm part of the Product Support team here at Onfido. As I was able to reproduce this behavior, I...
Hi @IliasDewachter, As you are aware, we have taken this to our development team for review. Thank you for the feedback! This design discrepancy won’t be prioritised as they see...