
Results 7 issues of Adrian

- Laravel Version: 9.2 - PHP Version: 8.0.2 - Laravel-admin: 1.8 ### Description: When [Spec Selector]( ist added to a grid, the grid's [header]( is overwritten. The footer continues to...

Hey @kevinongko thanks for the amazing work on this! Unfortunately with the recent API change (see it did not work for me anymore. FB changed the structure entirely, I...

### Versions - nuxt: V2.14, V2.15.3 - node: 15.3, 17.5.0 ### Reproduction ~~ ### Steps to reproduce Simplest example is to use Facebook developer tools to reproduce. I tried...


Signed-off-by: Adrian Missy * Resolves: #46 * Target version: master ### Summary ### TODO - [x] base card shortcut framework - [x] base board shortcut framework - [x] add Trello...

3. to review

- adds vscode settings file to gitingore - adds new badge for card ID - adds card ID to board filter - adds settings to disable card ID badge *...

3. to review

Discovered another GLTF oddity, when trying to load a GLTF instead of a standard Geometry, the `` will not load correct. Should work according to [Three.js example](, so I think...

When I open my app on a mobile phone, the `@click` event does not get triggered, when `Orbit Controls` is active. It seems as if `Orbit Controls` takes over the...