
Results 68 comments of Adrian

Thanks for the quick response @grewn0uille, would you be willing to share the hardships of X/3 when you have time? Maybe we can solve some of the challenges collectively as...

@shantee Readme says you gotta use Node LTS which is currently version [`16.15`]( You used `v17.3.0` I assume some dependencies fail here.

@happyDemon woah nice job! @barryvdh this looks very useful, do you have time to approve&merge?

Thanks @jadamec for taking a look so swiftly!

Have there been any updates/ recent workarounds on this issue? It is still relevant.

Am still active in this as well @marcelklehr, just waiting for consensus to get started, before I spend precious time developing, just so I can wait another 8mos for feedback...

Resolved Conflicts (not too easy after a year) – anything else that needs to be done here or can we get this thing merged?

Anybody? @marcelklehr @juliushaertl For the record I'm not even using Nextcloud anymore - just want to get it done for the community and not have wasted my time...