
Results 68 comments of Adrian

It's been almost a month since I submitted this PR - what is the typical time to expect a review/feedback around here @stefan-niedermann @juliushaertl? I am sure you have lots...

> @stefan-niedermann @juliushaertl @oneWaveAdrian My company could potentially sponsor this if that helps move this PR forward. Is there some kind of intake procedure for sponsorship you could point me...

@juliushaertl is this ever going to be reviewed? It saddens me that I put quite some work into this and it is basically ignored, absolutely no feedback from the team...

Bumping after almost another month of inactivity. @juliushaertl would you please take a look at this? I'm not giving up on this one, too much work has gone into it.😡

@luka-nextcloud @juliushaertl what's the status on this PR? I didn't get any answers to my questions - can we merge this one as well?

> @luka-nextcloud @juliushaertl what's the status on this PR? I didn't get any answers to my questions - can we merge this one as well? @juliushaertl ...?

I don't know if this helps, but I made a temporary workaround using GLTF's `@load` event as such: ```html ``` ```js import { InstancedMesh, MathUtils, Object3D, DynamicDrawUsage, } from 'three'...

Does not seem to work... I do need a way of using the existing `@click` events, otherwise this would not be in the Syntax of Vue/Trois. And creating a different...

@klevron @SaFrMo do you have thoughts regarding this topic? It is quite important for a project of mine which is not mobile compatible at all right now.

@grewn0uille I would also be very interested in PDF/X compliance, it's been a while, is there any update on what you guys achieved so far / what the timeline is...