Aftab Alam

Results 5 issues of Aftab Alam

Make Zarf adaptable to different JS runtimes (Node.js, Deno, Cloudflare, etc.) - [x] Bun.js - Separate out the Bun.js server as an adapter - [ ] Deno - [ ]...

Improve server instantiation process, and allow for more configurations Allow for options like - [ ] SSL/TLS - [x] Shutdown - [x] App naming Refer:


- Add a unified interface for all sorts of `key-value` stores - Add a `in-memory` session store, to demonstrate the interface and support basic in memory storage ### Implementation Details...

Take useful configurations to change the behaviour of the `BunTea` instance ``` ts interface BunTeaConfig { appName?: string serverHeader?: string strictRouting?: boolean errorHandler?: (ctx: AppContext, error: Errorlike) => Response |...
