Aftab Alam

Results 12 comments of Aftab Alam

Hey @AngeloAnolin, sorry you have not been able to see this live, but that's not an issue in particular. The Starter Kit depends upon few environment variables (refer [.env.example](, mainly...

Hey @nosizejosh Thanks for your interest in the starter kit, and I'm glad you were able to get the user profile. The best way I think you'd be able to...

Hey @bluequantum Thank you for your interest in the starter kit. This starter kit isn't intended to be `supabase-less`, as it's a core service that powers the authentication both on...

Hey @jianan1104 Could you please share what you mean by better UI/UX for mobile, and what issues you're particularly finding on mobile?

Hey @talmax1124, Is not working for you when the endpoint is replaced with above url? It should ideally work. Depending on the shape of the data you might have...

Hey @enyo, this will run only if Supabase token is discovered in the cookie, and it will only be discovered when the user is successfully logged in. Given, a user...

Hey @enyo , this isn't a security concern and it has to do with how Supabase can get the current user's context without actually being able to log them in...

Thanks for pointing this out @enyo. I've probably overlooked this aspect. Let me figure out a solution for the same.

Sure @vhscom Thanks!