I too would be interested in this. may take a look at doing that in a fork, as well as play video from youtube url.
That would be much appreciated. I could do a PR if you don't intend to get to it any time soon. What about the SplitBee API Worker? Any way to...
@pbteja1998 I don't have a PR, but I was able to get it working by simply uncommenting the code that was commented out in lines 583-590 in this file: https://github.com/NotionX/react-notion-x/blob/master/packages/notion-client/src/notion-api.ts...
@pbteja1998 - I'm working on a Proof of Concept. If we decide to move forward I'll work on a PR to submit. For now its just a single file I'm...
I can confirm this is still not working. Sample sandbox (copied from demo site and updated with latest primereact/primeflex versions): https://codesandbox.io/s/zealous-feather-146ihq?file=/src/demo/OrderListDemo.js
I too am looking for this functionality. I'm close to being able to create a simple popup replacement, but not sure how to implement the onClick functionality to insert the...
update, I'm closer with following: ``` Cancel Insert ``` This works once, but not the next time because im not changing the popup state, just modifying the css to be...
ok, this version is working as expected. Here is final working code: ``` window.editor = new toastui.Editor({ el: document.querySelector('#markdowneditor'), }); window.editor.removeToolbarItem('image') let insertBodyHtml = document.createElement('div') insertBodyHtml.innerHTML = ` Image URL...