Omar U. Espejel

Results 40 comments of Omar U. Espejel

Thank you, @flozi00, for starting the German translation! 🤗 We created a new issue to track German translations (#18564). @sgugger LGTM once the translation is done.

Thanks, @Duedme and @yharyarias! That would be great. Please let me know anything you need.

Thanks, @SimplyJuanjo! Welcome to the HF community and congrats on the Nanodegree 🤗. Sure, next week is perfect!

Thanks, @jloayza10 @SimplyJuanjo @jkmg! I just added your names to those files 🤗. Please let me know anything you need.

Thank you @ignacioct and @jQuinRivero! I added your names to those files above. Will be reviewing your PRs.

Gracias @jQuinRivero y @astrocronopio! I added you in the main comment to the file you will translate 🤗 @astrocronopio, do not worry about the text in images .

Congrats on the new position and we wish you a lot of success in it, @SimplyJuanjo! 🤗 No, for the moment it is not required to translate the documentation mentioned...

@SimplyJuanjo thank you for your PR. I am checking it. Sure! You can start `debugging.mdx`, that would be great! Thank you. I will add your name to the checklist above.

Hola @gpalomeque! Thank you very much! That would be great. Let me add you to the list.

Hola @gpalomeque! Muchas gracias por tu traducción de `token_classification.mdx` #17992. Coloqué algunos comentarios. Sorry for my late reply and review. Are you still interested in translating `question_answering.mdx`?