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Tranformers documentation translation to Spanish

Open omarespejel opened this issue 2 years ago • 36 comments


Let's bring the documentation to all the Spanish-speaking community :)

Who would want to translate? Please follow the instructions in the Translating guide. Here is a list of the files ready for translation. Let us know here if you'd like to translate any and we'll add your name to the list.

Some notes:

  • Please translate using an informal tone (imagine you are talking with a friend about transformers 🤗). For example, use Tú instead of Usted; or colabora instead of colabore.
  • Please translate in a gender-neutral way. For example, instead of "Nosotros podemos" it could be "Podemos"; or "Los que quieran" could be "Las personas que quieran."
  • Add your translations to the folder called es inside the source folder.
  • Register your translation in es/_toctree.yml; please follow the order of the English version.
  • Once you're finished, open a pull request and tag this issue by including #issue-number in the description, where issue-number is the number of this issue.
  • 🙋 If you'd like others to help you with the translation, you can also post in our forums or tag @espejelomar on Twitter to gain some visibility.

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FYI @osanseviero @stevhliu @sgugger @mishig25

omarespejel avatar Mar 05 '22 06:03 omarespejel

Hi, I can do the translation of quicktour.mdx in two days at the latest.

duedme avatar Mar 08 '22 20:03 duedme

I'll translate "Fine-tune a pretrained model" into Spanish to file training.mdx.

yharyarias avatar Mar 09 '22 01:03 yharyarias

Thanks, @Duedme and @yharyarias! That would be great. Please let me know anything you need.

omarespejel avatar Mar 09 '22 02:03 omarespejel

Hi, I can translate pipeline_tutorial.mdx 🙂

FernandoLpz avatar Mar 14 '22 15:03 FernandoLpz

Hi, I would like to do the translation for accelerate.mdx

Sangohe avatar Mar 14 '22 15:03 Sangohe

Hi, I will work on model_sharing.mdx :D

Gerard-170 avatar Mar 14 '22 16:03 Gerard-170

Hey all! I updated the initial comment cc'ing the WIP translations. When you create a PR, please make sure to tag this issue by adding #15947 to it.

osanseviero avatar Mar 14 '22 16:03 osanseviero

Hi, I can work on installation.mdx :D

lilianabs avatar Mar 14 '22 18:03 lilianabs

Hi, I would like to translate preprocessing.mdx

yharyarias avatar Mar 14 '22 18:03 yharyarias

I made this Pull-Request #16158 to translate quicktour.mdx. I would like to work on autoclass_tutorial.mdx.

duedme avatar Mar 14 '22 23:03 duedme

I new in the community but I'll like to translate multilingual.mdx I'm finishing my Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree this week, therefore I can do the translation next monday if that's okey.

SimplyJuanjo avatar Mar 17 '22 21:03 SimplyJuanjo

Thanks, @SimplyJuanjo! Welcome to the HF community and congrats on the Nanodegree 🤗. Sure, next week is perfect!

omarespejel avatar Mar 18 '22 23:03 omarespejel

I made this pull request to translate multilingual.mdx. Is everything done the right way? @omarespejel @osanseviero

SimplyJuanjo avatar Mar 22 '22 11:03 SimplyJuanjo

Hello, I would like to translate philosophy.mdx

jkmg avatar Apr 19 '22 09:04 jkmg

Hey, I would like to translate sagemaker.mdx

SimplyJuanjo avatar Apr 19 '22 10:04 SimplyJuanjo

Hi, I'd like to translate fast_tokenizers.mdx

jloayza10 avatar Apr 21 '22 16:04 jloayza10

Thanks, @jloayza10 @SimplyJuanjo @jkmg! I just added your names to those files 🤗. Please let me know anything you need.

omarespejel avatar Apr 21 '22 16:04 omarespejel

Hi! I would like to translate create_a_model.mdx, if it's still available

ignacioct avatar Apr 21 '22 22:04 ignacioct

Hey! I would like to translate language_modeling.mdx.

jQuinRivero avatar Apr 30 '22 04:04 jQuinRivero

Thank you @ignacioct and @jQuinRivero! I added your names to those files above. Will be reviewing your PRs.

omarespejel avatar May 03 '22 18:05 omarespejel

Hi! I would like to translate parallelism.mdx. Do I translate English words on images as well?

astrocronopio avatar May 04 '22 21:05 astrocronopio

Hi, @omarespejel

I would like to translate bertology.mdx next!

jQuinRivero avatar May 12 '22 14:05 jQuinRivero

Gracias @jQuinRivero y @astrocronopio! I added you in the main comment to the file you will translate 🤗

@astrocronopio, do not worry about the text in images .

omarespejel avatar May 12 '22 21:05 omarespejel

Sorry for the delay, I've been settling into a new position as a junior AI programmer this month.

I made this pull request to translate sagemaker.mdx. Should I also translate the documentations mentioned in the table of contents of this documentation? @omarespejel @osanseviero @sgugger

Additionally, I would like to translate image_classification.mdx if possible.

SimplyJuanjo avatar May 15 '22 15:05 SimplyJuanjo

Congrats on the new position and we wish you a lot of success in it, @SimplyJuanjo! 🤗

No, for the moment it is not required to translate the documentation mentioned in sagemaker.mdx. Thanks for noting that! Thanks for the sagemaker.mdx PR!

Thank you! I will tag you for image_classfication.mdx 🚀

omarespejel avatar May 16 '22 14:05 omarespejel

Thx @omarespejel! 🤗

Already added the image_classification.mdx to my PR.

I would like to translate now debbuging.mdx if possible.

SimplyJuanjo avatar May 22 '22 13:05 SimplyJuanjo

@SimplyJuanjo thank you for your PR. I am checking it.

Sure! You can start debugging.mdx, that would be great! Thank you. I will add your name to the checklist above.

omarespejel avatar May 25 '22 20:05 omarespejel

Hola, me gustaría contribuir traduciendo token_classification.mdx

gpalomeque avatar Jun 10 '22 00:06 gpalomeque

Hola @gpalomeque! Thank you very much! That would be great. Let me add you to the list.

omarespejel avatar Jun 10 '22 00:06 omarespejel

Hola @omarespejel, I'd like to translate the chapter custom_models.mdx.

donelianc avatar Jun 16 '22 16:06 donelianc

Sounds good! Feel free to open a PR @donelianc

osanseviero avatar Jun 21 '22 14:06 osanseviero

Hola envié el pull request 17992. Veo que aun esta disponible la tarea question_answering.mdx y me gustaría realizar la traducción correspondiente. Saludos.

gpalomeque avatar Jul 04 '22 22:07 gpalomeque

Hola @gpalomeque! Muchas gracias por tu traducción de token_classification.mdx #17992. Coloqué algunos comentarios.

Sorry for my late reply and review. Are you still interested in translating question_answering.mdx?

omarespejel avatar Jul 26 '22 04:07 omarespejel

Hi @donelianc! I assigned you to run_scripts as you mentioned in your previous PR! Thanks! :)

omarespejel avatar Jul 27 '22 04:07 omarespejel

Hi, I'd like to translate summarization.mdx @omarespejel

AguilaCudicio avatar Aug 02 '22 00:08 AguilaCudicio

Hi @AguilaCudicio! That would be amazing. Thanks I added you to the list :)

omarespejel avatar Aug 02 '22 01:08 omarespejel

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. If you think this still needs to be addressed please comment on this thread.

Please note that issues that do not follow the contributing guidelines are likely to be ignored.

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