Olga Malysheva
Olga Malysheva
@jnjaeschke Thanks for waiting. The request is being discussed internally. We will notify you about the decison.
@kopalja Please, fix the copyright year as suggested in https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/runs/5601695962?check_suite_focus=true
@nanoric The fix was implemented recently - https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/pull/1192. Please, verify and close the issue if resolved.
@jnjaeschke Thanks for waiting. The internal decision has been made to continue to not distribute oneTBB binaries for Apple Silicon via this GitHub project
@KFilipek Please address the review comments.
@aepanchi Please look at the comments wording.
@dpar39 Please, check if https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/pull/1006 resolves your question.
@WilliamRoyNelson That is by intention. Pypi packages are part of Intel(R) oneAPI distribution where oneTBB is distributed under ISSL - Intel Simplified Software License (proprietary). Distribution to GitHub is done...
@WilliamRoyNelson I forgot to mention that the Pypi packages include LICENSE.txt file with the text of ISSL license. All this repo content (including Python API) is licensed under Apache when...