There is old code the improve the efficiency of freqresp for state space systems, but it is not used. ``` # Implements algorithm found in: # Laub, A.J., "Efficient Multivariable...
The Nyquist frequency is half the sampling frequency and not equal to it. If frequency vector is specified it should perhaps not be truncated at the Nyquist frequency, but rather...
In the gangoffour function, the transfer function from d -> y and n -> y are referred to as D and N respectively, (the sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions are...
Complex numbers are written differently if they are inside a compound type compared to pure complex data. ``` complex_data = [1+1im, 2+1im] namedtuple_data = [(z=z, index=k) for (k,z) in enumerate(complex_data)]...
Hello, I tried to leverage the speedups from `@turbo` for a case with stride-2 access of the input data . This actually seemed to degrade performance compared to `@inbounds`, and...
Having a file like `simple_addition.m` ``` 1 + 1 ``` gives as expected ``` julia> mat"simple_addition" 2.0 ``` However, modifying `simple_addition.m` to ``` 1 + 2 ``` still gives ```...