I agree that a poorly unwrapped phase is very annoying in Bode diagrams. With two integrators the phase currently starts at -180, but you mean that you have some variation...
I'd guess the behavior is inconsistent for MIMO systems? And an error would still thrown for non-rational systems, e.g., `DelayLtiSystem`? These problems do not seem like details to me. The...
We are all very thankful that you take you have taken the time to contribute on a problem that annoys you, in that case there are surely many other people...
@mfalt > 2. It doesn't work on delay systems (or maybe as importantly, it is not consisten between system types) Couldn't one replace the delays with `1` and then analyze...
There is a zero in -1 (actually two zeros and one pole), which corresponds to the Nyquist frequency (i.e., half the sampling frequency), so the frequency-response computation works alright. However...
I agree that the current `LQG` might be doing too much to be useful. I agree that it is a bit annoying with all the different arguments, but like @baggepinnen...
> `dlqr` and `lqrd` have different behavior. Yes, it is impossible to remember which one is which, so the naming is awful. The one that solves the sampled-data problem (discrete...
Didn't we say that we should get rid of the Matrix type argument? Which would resolve this?
I think I would prefer if the coefficients were shown with less excessive precision, (compare for example with how row vectors are shown). I don't think anyone would like to...
> I don't think users expect that the printed decimals are exact in general, but maybe I'm wrong. Yeah, we should be able to assume this. I guess the full...