same as #289
Code: ``` frappe.pages['project-charts'].on_page_load = function(wrapper) { frappe.require([ "assets/clearsight/js/frappe-charts.min.esm.js", "assets/clearsight/css/frappe-charts.min.css" ]); var page = frappe.ui.make_app_page({ parent: wrapper, title: 'Project Charts', single_column: true }); wrapper = $(wrapper).find('.layout-main-section'); wrapper.append(` `); let chart =...
The third issue is that you cannot have a statement like this in the frappe .js page file `import { Chart } from "frappe-charts/dist/frappe-charts.min.esm";` We have to add the js... is still an issue, forced refresh workaround is not right This workaround does not work in the page js: `setTimeout(function () {chart.draw(!0)}, 1);`
OK fixed the unexpected "token" error. Seems you can't have any reference to javascript files in the .js file. This does NOT work: ``` frappe.require([ "assets/clearsight/js/frappe-charts.min.esm.js", "assets/clearsight/css/frappe-charts.min.css" ]); ``` The...
this is a hack but will display a chart via the page .js. The non-display of appended divs used for charting seems to be a common problem across javascript libraries...
thanks, will look into. There seems to be no good example resources on using charts with frappe app, am I missing something
bit confused, in another thread, I am told we need to install charts via npm, but here we are saying no need as native to frappe namespace?
From this code ( minified ) code ie n.setAttribute(i, a) ``` function createSVG(t, e) { var n = document.createElementNS("", t); for (var i in e) { var a = e[i];...
the code is exact copy of the sample given as you can see by the chart rendered on the right side of chrome in Dev mode. The issue I think...