charts copied to clipboard
Charts example code does not work when added to a frappe page
It would be great to see a solid example of charts in frappe page which to me would be a highly relevant use case. I see three issues, 2 major
- Chart does not render on page until I move the mouse
- There are data out of range issues even with the main example code
frappe.pages['project-charts'].on_page_load = function(wrapper) {
var page = frappe.ui.make_app_page({
parent: wrapper,
title: 'Project Charts',
single_column: true
wrapper = $(wrapper).find('.layout-main-section');
<div id="my_chart"></div>
let chart = new frappe.Chart( "#my_chart", { // or DOM element
data: {
labels: ["12am-3am", "3am-6am", "6am-9am", "9am-12pm",
"12pm-3pm", "3pm-6pm", "6pm-9pm", "9pm-12am"],
datasets: [
name: "Some Data", chartType: 'bar',
values: [25, 40, 30, 35, 8, 52, 17, 4]
name: "Another Set", chartType: 'bar',
values: [25, 50, 10, 15, 18, 32, 27, 14]
name: "Yet Another", chartType: 'line',
values: [15, 20, 3, 15, 58, 12, 17, 37]
yMarkers: [{ label: "Marker", value: 70,
options: { labelPos: 'left' }}],
yRegions: [{ label: "Region", start: -10, end: 50,
options: { labelPos: 'right' }}]
title: "My Awesome Chart",
type: 'axis-mixed', // or 'bar', 'line', 'pie', 'percentage'
height: 300,
colors: ['purple', '#ffa3ef', 'light-blue'],
tooltipOptions: {
formatTooltipX: d => (d + '').toUpperCase(),
formatTooltipY: d => d + ' pts',
// chart.export();
//setTimeout(function () { my_chart.refresh()}, 1);
The third issue is that you cannot have a statement like this in the frappe .js page file
import { Chart } from "frappe-charts/dist/frappe-charts.min.esm";
We have to add the js and ccs to frappe public folder ( or maybe assets or maybe ) again confusing info on where is best is still an issue, forced refresh workaround is not right
This workaround does not work in the page js:
setTimeout(function () {chart.draw(!0)}, 1);
OK fixed the unexpected "token" error. Seems you can't have any reference to javascript files in the .js file.
This does NOT work:
The only way to stop "unexpected token export" is to add the js via
This does work:
# include js in page
# page_js = {"page" : "public/js/file.js"}
page_js = {"page" : "public/js/frappe-charts.min.iife.js"}
page_css = {"page" : "public/css/frappe-charts.min.css"}
But there are lots of java script errors regarding attribute width ( see above ) and the chart still does not display until I re-size the window. It's really not sensible to have a frappe/charts project when it has obviously not been tested in frappe pages
this is a hack but will display a chart via the page .js. The non-display of appended divs used for charting seems to be a common problem across javascript libraries
setTimeout(function(){ window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); }, 100);
Hey @ollyboy
The only way to stop "unexpected token export" is to add the js via
You seem to be using charts inside a frappe app. In case you're using any latest version on Frappe Framework, you don't need to explicitly import charts using frappe.require
it is available by default in the frappe.Charts
thanks, will look into. There seems to be no good example resources on using charts with frappe app, am I missing something
There seems to be no good example resources on using charts with frappe app
In Frappe framework there is frappe/public/ui/chart.js
, which adds Chart constructor to the frappe
namespace. So new frappe.Chart
will work across the application.
A good example will be make_chart
in report_view.js
make_chart() {
const args = this.chart_args;
let data = {
labels: args.labels,
datasets: args.datasets
this.last_chart_type = args.chart_type;
const get_df = (field) => this.columns_map[field].docfield;
const get_doc = (value, field) => => d[field] === value);
this.chart = new frappe.Chart(this.$charts_wrapper.find('.charts-inner-wrapper')[0], {
title: __("{0} Chart", [this.doctype]),
data: data,
type: args.chart_type,
truncateLegends: 1,
colors: ['#70E078', 'light-blue', 'orange', 'red'],
axisOptions: {
shortenYAxisNumbers: 1
tooltipOptions: {
formatTooltipY: value => frappe.format(value, get_df(this.chart_args.y_axes[0]), { always_show_decimals: true, inline: true }, get_doc(value.doc))
bit confused, in another thread, I am told we need to install charts via npm, but here we are saying no need as native to frappe namespace?
but here we are saying no need as native to frappe namespace?
What I meant by this is that frappe charts comes bundled with the Frappe Framework already.