Honestly: No dealer cares about that. My car was with full modifications to the workshop. Only thing was: Looks good and they cant understand why it isn't this way from...
Another info @vwjap : You dont need to place the files near the phyton script or anything. Just drag and drop everything neccessary into CMD it also works and is...
Please read into how to modify metainfo to do such updated. The toolbox can patch swdl and after that you need to build yourself a custom metainfo to make it...
@KamboSoup please share your solution
@KamboSoup we could add this how to to the Wiki later on if you want. :)
@KamboSoup published his guide and this conversation is now moved to [discussions](https://github.com/olli991/mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox/discussions/145). The guide will be implemented into the [Wiki](https://github.com/olli991/mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox/wiki) later.
I don't know a method to actually shift images in the skins. You can only change them but they'll stay in the same place.
You need to add the corresponding FEC to your unit, correct. Toolbox can patch SWAP, did you already tried if this patch is enabling the feature? Otherwise you maybe have...
if you've patched swap you need to add the fec for Sport Monitor manually later via diagnostics
[MST2_EU_VW_ZR_P0480T.zip](https://github.com/olli991/mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox/files/8441701/MST2_EU_VW_ZR_P0480T.zip) [MST2_EU_SE_ZR_P0479T.zip](https://github.com/olli991/mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox/files/8441702/MST2_EU_SE_ZR_P0479T.zip) [MST2_EU_VW_ZR_P0356T.zip](https://github.com/olli991/mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox/files/8441768/MST2_EU_VW_ZR_P0356T.zip) [MST2_EU_VW_ZR_P0140T.zip](https://github.com/olli991/mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox/files/8441771/MST2_EU_VW_ZR_P0140T.zip)