mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox copied to clipboard
Maps region change - after US to EU conversion.
I have converted US to EU - many thanks for toolbox :)
But after all I have one problem left - unit didn't recognise SD with EU maps (even original VW SD card). I think I need to enable EU maps by FEC - I'm right? How to do this? FEC can be uploaded by toolbox or it has to be done by VCP/OBD11..?
For now I have info "navigation database not available". When I put original SD card appears info "The source contains navigation database" - but navi didn't start to reading maps - still error "navigation database not available".
You need to add the corresponding FEC to your unit, correct. Toolbox can patch SWAP, did you already tried if this patch is enabling the feature? Otherwise you maybe have to add the fec via VCDS,...
use google translate https://www.drive2.com/b/640748923375325654