Aleš Hejna
Aleš Hejna
Relates to #948.
Is the document available somewhere?
Regarding the numbering. I suggest to make a formal proposal and give it to MC IOF (from OOM developers). It can concern both ISSOMxx and also ISOM2017 (there shall be...
@mlerjen Great, that is the easiest solution :) I guess one empty pregeoreferenced ISOM and one ISSPROM map in OMapper folder would be the fastest arrangement.
Sidenote: If you zoom out/ zoom in - you can continue drawing an unfinished line.
Relates to #1851 Pan map window automatically when editing to the edge.
@mlerjen I agree this would be more elegant solution. Mine was a workaround that did not work :smiley:
@jmacura This shall not be a fieldwork tool. Bus as you say data preparation (or rather data finalization) tool. What is the name of the feature in QGIS?
I have played more with the _Unify areas_ command. And it has worked flawlessly for the osm data I had used. See: []( @yevhenmazur Your drawing is a very good...