AGreed. As one of those new users, who uses OpenVAS for doing some adhoc scanning within our office, I'm nervous about getting dirty with Seccubus, though I appreciate it's gonna...
+1 for an autosave. Ideally with an option in settings to disable it, just for those of us that might not want to use an auto-save
+1. Sounds perfect.
Seems to have two, light and dark. However neither change the comment colour specifically, though it's a bit clearer on the dark background. A way to create a theme file...
Interesting. Thanks. It doesn't even need a dialogue. If there was was just a menu item that took you to the css folder location, that would be enough. Do you...
Yes yes and yes. Any sense of being able to visualise the structure, or easily find your way around the structure would be appreciated.
Perfect idea. Gets my vote.
I *think* I've fixed it. I moved my save game call to the OnClickChoiceButton function just before the RefreshView() is called. Like so ` void OnClickChoiceButton(Choice choice) { contentButtonAudioSource.Play(); story.ChooseChoiceIndex(choice.index);...
Np I've actually now started to put the current story text in to a variable, along with the Choice. Then when the player hits save, I save the variables not...
Hi Daniele I think I've fixed it by removing the ASMDEV feature of DOTween. This then gave me errors in some example scripts in EPO, but I just deleted those...