Is there a way to deal with LaTeX escaped special characters (i. e. umlauts)? The spell checker should detect such characters and interpret them as the UTF-8 character, for example:...
First proposal for a classpath replacement of local file url in generated class file. A wsdlPath set in defaultOptions beginning with classpath; replaces the file url "file:/path/to/package1/package2/myfile.wsdl" with "classpath:/package1/package2/myfile.wsdl". Just...
The src directory is in the docker sub folder, if I am not mistaken
I was just trying to use jeromq-jms in my spring boot project by using the following maven dependency of the newest (I suppose not yet official) release: ```xml org.zeromq jeromq-jms...
Bei der Nutzung einer SSL-Verschlüsselung bei der MySQL-Datenbank ist folgender Hinweis in der Dokumentation aktuell nicht zutreffend (oder ich mache etwas falsch): > Die manuelle Erstellung sowie der Import des...