Oleksiy Pylypenko
Oleksiy Pylypenko
Hi, seems your project lacks good test coverage. And that's perfect match for my needs. I want to test-drive my new mocking library [MockK](/oleksiyp/mockk) and by the way I can...
``` import io.mockk.every import io.mockk.mockk import io.mockk.spyk import io.mockk.verify import javax.xml.crypto.Data data class ItemData(val id: Int) interface Database { fun insertItems(items: List) fun deleteItems(items: List) fun runTransaction(alsoDelete: Boolean) { insertItems(listOf(ItemData(id...
As a developer developing contracts I would like to package tests into JAR so that it is possible to execute in other project. Currently running tests that are residing in...
Based on the conversation https://github.com/Ninja-Squad/springmockk/pull/112 we would like to embed springmockk as one of the mockk modules.