Oleksiy Pylypenko
Oleksiy Pylypenko
Requesting review and merge. @cy6erGn0m @hhariri @orangy @yole @elizarov Thanks in advance!
I've seen something similar, let me check.
#231 looks similar and it is due to Kotlin bug.
TBH, debugging android instrumented test is very sophisticated and slow thing, so if you feel that Mockito is doing job don't hesitate to choose it, MockK AIT support is not...
Just to mention, that behind dexmaker stands LinkedIn and as I understand full time employees. As I said it is just not perfect now, with time things should improve.
I analyzed your code and not able to understand how mock is created.
Does it happen for Android instrumented test or not?
I know if you mock HashMap(which is pretty weird) you can get such effect, might be something similar. For your own simple classes should be no reason to slow down....
@wafisher unmockk should transform back class, if not doing this - it is a bug. try to minimize example! @ursjoss HashMap was always kind of problematic. (even for Mockito there...
@wafisher I wouldn't include MockK as sub-project, but rather "build & install" to the local repository as snapshot version and afterward use it as snapshot version in other project. Or...